Monday, August 4, 2008

Cropdusters, Bikes, Babes

In general, we at The Hanky Panky Report endeavor to provide our readers with commentary on current events and somewhat serious matters of public interest. Nonetheless, sometimes we come across random things on the web that we just need to share.

We recently came across the following website which was just too good to keep for ourselves. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, we give you - a site all about "Cropdusters, Bikes, and Babes...Smokin' Grass for a Livin'"

So that's what they do in Arkansas....f-ing genius if you ask us.

In addition to the pics of the cropduster planes in action, be sure to check out the sweet shots of the "Duster Babes" and the "Secretary of the Month". Apparently, the good judges in Arkansas adhere to the Russian school of thought on matters of sexual harassment, (i.e., If We Had No Sexual Harassment, We Would Have No Children).

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