The corruption extends beyond elected officials and includes the police force. Just today, the Press of Atlantic City unceremoniously reports that the City settled a lawsuit filed by a woman alleging two police officers drugged her and caused her significant facial injuries.
Apparently, two officers invited the woman into their patrol car and gave her a strong painkiller WHILE THEY WERE ON DUTY!!! The painkiller causes dizziness, drowsiness and possible seizures and is not supposed to be consumed with alcohol. After the officers' shifts ended, the three of them entered a nightclub where Mulrooney (who was only 20 years old) was drinking alcohol with them. She later left the nightclub and passed out falling face first onto the Boardwalk and severely fracturing her face, nose and teeth.
The City settled the woman's claims for $95,000 and what happened to the police officers in question? One was suspended for 40 days without pay and the other for 180 days without pay. That's it! THIS ALLEGED CONDUCT IS CRIMINAL (distributing prescription drugs, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, misuse of city property). These two buffoons are now back on the job in Atlantic City. Apparently, the unions have such a stranglehold on the politicians that nothing their members do is enough to get them fired. WHAT A DISGRACE!
"contributing to the deliquency of a minor" and "misuse of city property" are not crimes. distibuting drugs is though.
I may not have used the technical term which is used in the NJ statutes, but providing alcoholic beverages is in fact a crime in NJ. Furthermore, it is a crime for anyone under age to drink alcohol and if the officers witnessed that conduct, they had a duty to arrest the teen - even if they didn't provide her with the alcohol in the first place.
Misuse of city property is also a crime (again, my terminology may not track NJ statutes which seem to use the term "Official Misconduct"). For example, it is illegal for a city employee to use city property for their own personal benefit. In this case, the police allegedly used the cop car to pick up a girl. See, e.g.
Just curious if this is a case you happened to come upon or if you know about it personally. I personally know one of the officers in question and also know that the allegations are not true. AC is full of politics and while some are spouting those so call politics as why they "got off" it's actually quite the other way around. The article that was published is based on sealed docs that were leaked as facts...but really only include the allegations...none of which were proven. Even "facts" about their "punishments" aren't true. This lawsuit was initated by the girl's parents...but the real question to me come she is in no trouble for underage drinking and taking prescription drugs that weren't prescribed to her and she obviously did get them somewhere.
The information I based my report on was published in the Press of Atlantic City. The allegations contained in the sealed court records may never have been proven in a court of law. Nonetheless, based on my experience as a criminal defense attorney, I would be very surprised if these officers agreed to suspensions for months with no pay if there were no truth to the allegations. What I cannot understand is why the district attorney has not investigated the matter and issued a report either exonerating the officers or charging them. The officers have an opportunity to protest their innocence here if they wish. As to why the girl was not arrested, she allegedly was in the company of the two officers while she was drinking and received the prescription drugs from the officers who were themselves obligated to arrest her for any criminal conduct in which she engaged.
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